Professional referral program

Private Investigators

At Third Chair Digital Forensics LLC we understand better than most that Private Investigators need a go-to company for their digital forensic work.  Our shop was built on exactly that premise.  At Third Chair Digital Forensics, we have a professional referral program, where we acknowledge those who develop a partnership with us.  For more information, please contact Ernie Van der Leest.

Cell Phone, Mobile Device, Computer Repair Experts 

A week does not go by it seems where our forensic device experts don't receive a phone call from a customer that had just been to a cell phone repair establishment in an attempt to retrieve images or their children or videos of their child's first steps, but due to the damage to the device the shop could not perform the work.  

At the same time we get an equal number of calls where the customer does not have an attorney yet, but needs to preserve what is on their phone in a such a way that it will be admissible in court should that day ever come.  We have a strong working relationship with a number of talented repair shops in North Texas.  We look at the partnership as the next level of care or support for the customer.  The goal at the end of the day is to help the customer solve their problem.  If you are in the field and interested in partnering with us, please give us a call today.
